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Where is the 100A M...
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Where is the 100A MSB charger.

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As the Title says, I thought about what 4 years ago, that a 100A version of the charger was going to come out?


One big improvement would be the terminal please, oh please make it bigger, and I mean big enough so I can put a 8awg cable in it. not these small 14awg wires.

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 I mean big enough so I can put a 8  awg cable in it. not these small 14awg wires.

I  use AWG 10 cables .      AWG 14 is too  small .        You can  use 2  AWG 10  for each  PV pos and  each PV neg .    Also 2 AWG 10 for each bat pos and each bat neg  as there are  8 possible  connection terminals .      100 A  is NOT possible  for the  MSB  as the transformer  will not fit  the case  and get too hot  and the fan is too small .      

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
As the Title says, I thought about what 4 years ago, that a 100A version of the charger was going to come out?

I heard the same....only the person who rumored that ( is now defunct. much for that one.

There's a rumor of a GS MPPT at some point--but it's way down the priority list right now.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
I heard the same....only the person who rumored that ( is now defunct. much for that one.

Wait, a gs mpp, oh lord, I need it badly.  I'm not sure what is going on, but my make sky blue chargers seems to only be able to pull 600w  out of a 1500w array.


Am I supposed to use both input ports to get the full power?  I got it set at 100v three strings going to a branch to one cable.


my other make sky blue controller seemed to fried one of the output ports as its dead as hell and I've heard it sound like sizzeling going on when it gets hot, so took it down.  I'm just going to run 6 panels to the current make sky blue charger, and pull  out my other chargers laying around to at least get more power, just going to have to spend extra money on more wire to run.

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Wait, a gs mpp, oh lord, I need it badly.  I'm not sure what is going on, but my make sky blue chargers seems to only be able to pull 600w  out of a 1500w array.

I get 500 watts out of a 700 watt solar array  with  MSB  for 3 years no problem .     The MSB blow up  when I  use a 1400 watt array .     I am using 5 MSB now  and  other  MPPT  and  E-bike  charger  to run my 30kw Powerjack 24/7  .     

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
I'm not sure what is going on, but my make sky blue chargers seems to only be able to pull 600w out of a 1500w array.

I am not surprised.  Based on repowering tests and other experiments on this forum, I would not be the slightest bit surprised if the MSB's power tracking and/or internal inductors are seriously at fault...i.e. design fault.


Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Am I supposed to use both input ports to get the full power? I got it set at 100v three strings going to a branch to one cable.

Not necessarily; they're tied together on the internal PCB.  However, it IS a good idea to use both ports if you're running high currents on the solar input...simply because that spreads the amperage out on the terminal.


Posted by: @dickson
The MSB blow up when I use a 1400 watt array .

and as you're at 48v, this is a truly sad testimony of the MSB; if their ratings are any good ("60A"), 60 * 48 = 2,880W, or double what you're getting.

My Morningstar Tristar runs at redline (3,300W) whenever there's full sun and batteries needing charged.  Never an issue with it.  I also haven't had faults with the much larger Epever Tracer 8420AN units--although I'm not sure they're getting redlined as regularly, they do have a 4kw solar array on each one.  I do always caution, however, the very slow charge regulation.


Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Wait, a gs mpp, oh lord, I need it badly.

At some point in the future--right now, we're working on getting the new designed inverters.  It's going to happen...just much slower than we'd have liked.  And we can't get back the lost time before this February when we finally took over sourcing and production.

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and as you're at 48v, this is a truly sad testimony of the MSB; if their ratings are any good ("60A"), 60 * 48 = 2,880W, or double what you're getting

My  MSB is at 66vdc  for only  2 solar  panels  and works   good for 16s lithium-ion  BMW battery .    My  Epever Tracer 8420AN is at  29vdc and can do 4 solar panels .  This is for  8s  lithium-ion BMW  battery .      

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Well, I figured out what was going on.  the third string wasn't powering up, so right now got 10 100w panels going and getting over 800w last I looked.  Also had another string was dead but it was one of the pv wires end came out, once I fixed that it fired back up.  I will work on the other five panels to find out which one is bad, or if its one of the connectors which it shouldn't be.  Will run four of thos panels if its one bad to the 75/15 victron charger.  Then I got to put up the legs and running boards to hold more panels to install I got a evga or what ever that solar charger its a 40a will throw 10 or 12 panels to it.


After now getting my house to run off my two GS running the AC and everything else but the hot water heater, I need over 100a to keep up with the power usage of the AC running when it kicks on its useing roughly 80A at 240.


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Posted by: @dickson
My Epever Tracer 8420AN is at 29vdc and can do 4 solar panels . This is for 8s lithium-ion BMW battery .

That Tracer can do more than that.

29v * 80A = 2,320W.  If divided across 4 panels, that's 580W per panel to reach max output load power--so there's a lot of untapped power potential yet in the Tracer there.  Seeing as the Tracer is 200v max input, you could run 6 or even 8 panels on it, depending on the panel wattage.

I'm personally running a dozen 330W panels on each Tracer 8420AN with a 16S LiFePo4 bank--close to redline, but not there yet.

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4 very big solar panels, i guess. That sucker should be able to put out 2000W for a 24v system. Pump that PV voltage up!

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4 very big solar panels, i guess. That sucker should be able to put out 2000W for a 24v system. Pump that PV voltage up

My 330 watts panels put out less than 1200 watts with 4  panels .  My Epever is 60A .    That is all the panel I have for the 8s battery .   The other solar panels are for  16s battery and MSB controller  .  PowMr MPPT is use for my  15vdc Lithium-ion battery .   


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Wait... the 8420 is an 80 Amp charger. Did you mean it's a 6420?

330W is still a pretty big panel to me though. I use lots of 100W panels. 😕

FYI, 1200W doesn't seem unsurprising for 4S 330W array. There is efficiency loss, and the 330W is at the panel, not at the battery, so it will always be less. There's also a voltage differential penalty. Higher PV voltage compared to a single Batt voltage will result in a slightly lower efficiency.

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Wait... the 8420 is an 80 Amp charger. Did you mean it's a 6420?

Epever Tracer  6415 AN  is 60A  and  250 dollars .     The  MSB 60A  is 120 dollars .    It is not the  8420 .    

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Posted by: @dickson
My Epever Tracer 8420AN is at 29vdc and can do 4 solar panels .


Posted by: @dickson
Epever Tracer 6415 AN is 60A and 250 dollars . The MSB 60A is 120 dollars . It is not the 8420 .


So which Tracer is it that you have?


I know a MSB isn't a Tracer 6415: one weighs twice as much as the other, one doesn't require fan cooling, and one doesn't have disputed firmware and design.

but you listed the Tracer 8420AN with the critical English possessive prefix, "My". 

and said possessive prefix is missing when you referenced the Tracer 6415AN.


makes me wonder if your "330 watts" panels mysteriously just turned into whatever wattage I said mine are.  (Which for the record, are Boviet BVM6612P-330.)  Which of course would explain why they don't put out more than 300W each.

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Posted by: @notmario
330W is still a pretty big panel to me though. I use lots of 100W panels.

Please tell me your 100W panels aren't from Harbor Freight.........


I find that the 100W panels often are sold at close to $1/watt.  At least out where I live, a good price for new full-size panels (250-350W) was around $0.50/watt from local suppliers and in single-piece quantities.  I know freight to Alaska is going to be quite problematic...but there's a number of places (especially in Arizona) selling B- and C-grade solar panels for $0.30/watt or sometimes even lower if you're lucky.  (You can usually find them on eBay.)

Just my 2 cents.  Not enough to buy even 1 watt of solar...sorry 😎

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