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Tools I like and to...
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Tools I like and tools needed to be repaired or figure out what they are for....tool Junkie topic

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Through the years i have invested in many a co-worker made the comment to me that the other coworker buying lottery tickets was a waste of money and you would be a lot further ahead buying tools....

so as a DIY person i have bought many tools....and still believe i am further ahead than the lottery ticket crowd...

at any rate the 1st tool i will talk up is the>>>>

Klein brand Katapult wire first i was having a hard time stripping the 10AWG PV wire, but once you figure it out a bit it is the best wire stripper i have ever used to strip the PV solar wire 10AWG....i will guarantee you that wire is tough and a bit hard to strip....i make up all the cables with the MC4 connectors but need to strip the ends of the 10AWG solar PV wire 1st....

more later

I have some I think you will enjoy....🤔😎

I am going to work on the big barn more today in the snow and cold before it snows again....

have a great weekend!

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old adjustable wrench with wood handle....

on the top is an area that looks like it would do double duty as a hammer....

I found this at a garage sale for  $3 dollars...I liked the design and it was in good shape and still functional...there is a 4 inch area that is made of metal that is knurled for grip to adjust this wrench...

I see absolutely no manufacturer markings on it....but is a good find...

curious who made it and how old it might be??


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Posted by: @pilgrimvalley
Klein brand Katapult wire stripper

Nice I got my set in the 90s in Tech school and they still work great. 

Screwdrivers I use the insulated wiha screwdrivers they have a SL PH2 which really makes life so much better when doing a lot of terminations.

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just ordered a 6 pc set of Klein brand insulated screw drivers for $49.33 off of eBay including tax and delivery to replace the old set of unknown brand insulated screw drivers that i have utililzed the last 20 years...

i like the Klein brand and also looked at Wera and Wiha and Milwaukee insulated screw drivers before I punched the buy it now button. it will be January 2023 before they arrive but at least I did not have to go out in the sub zero crazy cold to go shopping....😎 winter storm is terrible >>> I can only be out in it about 20-30 minutes before my fingers start biting about the frost biting safe in the cold weather all....🤔😎


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 like the Klein brand .                                   Almost  all my  electrical  tools  are Klein .        How your battery doing in  sub zero temperature or in the shed ?        Your shed should  be warm  with the  Powerjack  running  ?        

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Posted by: @dickson
How your battery doing in sub zero temperature or in the shed ?

I added a few incandescent light bulbs yesterday as it was 15 degrees below zero with wind chill. I think there is about 300 watts of incandescent light bulbs running ....I did not check this morning but just fed the sheep and cats...terrible cold outside....says minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit outside this morning but feels like minus 39 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind the online current weather says...I can definitely say it is damn cold outside...20 minutes is too long to be out was colder in the outdoor off grid power shed yesterday so decided to burn the extra light bulbs at about 4pm....

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heat lamp is in the barn as there was 2 Hair sheep lambs born on Sunday and a singlet Hair sheep lamb born on the 21st of December is always the worst weather when these things pile up on you. I was re-stringing the probably 200 to 250 feet of extension cords Saturday before the last snow storm or so I busy multiple times per day checking the Hair electric in the big barn yet so slowly doing what I the terrible cold temperatures....

All sheep were in the barn except one this morning which was outside eating a bit....It always amazes me how the animals tolerate the weather....but they seem to quickly grow a thicker hair coat as the weather changes....🤔😎

PowerJack inverters were running well actually had three running; but shut one off as it was just idling along without much purpose...😎

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PowerJack inverters were running well actually had three running; but shut one off as it was just idling along without much purpose.

Are your Powerjack running  single phase 120 ac  only ?        I connect one inverter  240 ac  single phase  to Square D  50amp breaker  and the other inverter is 240vac split-phase   to another Square D breaker .      

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PowerJack inverters were running well actually had three running; but shut one off as it was just idling along without much purpose.

Are your Powerjack running  single phase 120 ac  only ?  

the 15k PowerJack is wired 120/240 split phase to a Square D QO breaker box,

the smaller PowerJack 6000 and PowerJack 8000 watt inverters are only running with 120 ac...via the outlets on the inverters at the moment....

yesterday or the day before I did power up a different 6000 watt PowerJack on a separate prebuilt battery and noted that the prebuilt battery BMS shut down sometime overnight when the battery got low but the PowerJack did not so the BMS correctly protected the battery but the PowerJack low voltage shut down was not and will not be adequate as a secondary fail safe to protect the battery from too deep of a discharge or if one cell goes bad....this prebuilt battery was not connected to solar or any charging at the time so was strictly checking the battery capacity (at least i know the BMS works correctly)

again I do not always check them 24/7 so it is important to have a secondary fail safe for the expensive LiFePO4 batteries.....

PowerJack inverters are very inexpensive to come by but they will not be an adequate LiFePO4 protection mechanism....

so a WIFI  etc. redesigned PowerJack etal inverter still  can not be a fail safe for the expensive LiFePO4 battery (price of the ESS far exceeds the inverter price and I do not need or want WIFI controlled inverters)!!!!

wishing all have a very merry Christmas and happy Christmas eve this fine morning.....still 5 degrees below zero Fahrenheit this morning....and wind chill is even worse...snow drifts about 5 feet tall burying the north fence line,,,, outside I go in a little bit when the sun comes up.... hi ho hi ho off to work I go

 ( at my slow retired pace >>> mind you)


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PowerJack inverters are very inexpensive to come by but they will not be an adequate LiFePO4 protection a WIFI  etc. redesigned PowerJack etal inverter still  can not be a fail safe for the expensive LiFePO4 battery (price of the ESS far exceeds the inverter price and I do not need or want WIFI controlled inverters)!!

I  use a cheap camera  connected  to cell phone to keep track of  the battery voltage  .           A  remote switch  is not a solution to shut down  a  Powerjack  when  it is running  a heavy  inductive load  .    The only  fail safe way is to disconnect the battery from the inverter  .               It  seem  like the Powerjack  do not  have enough power  to heat the house  in this cold weather .    Do you use  propane  heater  to keep warm  ?          I use  my inverter to run a portable heater  to heat one room at a time .    The heat from running the inverter keep the patio warm  and the inverter  is use as a  heater outside .             My  15k PowerJack is wired 120/240 split phase to a Square D QO breaker box also   and I  use two  12v dc  Delta fans  running from a 12vdc power supply connected to the 120vac  Powerjack receptacle outlet .   

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Posted by: @pilgrimvalley
just ordered a 6 pc set of Klein brand insulated screw drivers

Nice those will do you good for long time.


Posted by: @pilgrimvalley
winter storm is terrible >>> I can only be out in it about 20-30 minutes before my fingers start biting about the frost biting safe in the cold weather all....🤔😎

Yeah it sucks big time I am in Iowa, it has been such a fast shift to this extreme below zero weather really is a pain. 

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I received the 6 piece Klein insulated screwdrivers and like the quality and the clearly marked butt end of them, and this works well in the tool bag for quick finding the right one...they came last Friday or Thursday I think..

the weather is a bit better maybe get up to 34 today but snow predicted for Monday & Tuesday,,,seems like I always need to broom off the snow from the solar panels.😢 ...even at a 45 degree mounting angel the snow sticks to them....I may need to find something to make the glass slicker....

have a great 1st day of the new year 2023 all! 😎

ps: new years eve >>>i ordered the impact rated screwdriver from Klein as some reviewers thought highly of it..(about 21 dollars from Home Depot with free shipping)..i like a multi-bit screwdriver and use them a lot for projects so the 7-in-one impact rated Klein was the next logical upgrade to the tool bag. 

too keep in the tools I like subject....🤔


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Klein hammer from garage sale cost $2 bucks....

I was tearing apart some free pallets today and noticed the hammer was a Klein and still had the $2 pink sticker on it. it is Fiberglas handle but it comfortable to use....

I got 4 large oversized pallets this morning from the office supply store and a couple needed to be torn apart .... lots of good wood in them to repurpose... for free for time and effort

then the hair sheep had twins, then the snow storm started again, then I had to go get a replacement electric hot water heater ( 240 volt died in 13 months but replacement 2 year warranty) so bolt out bolt in,,, had to bring in the old one 1st...Menards yea! )

ewe number 5 lambed today so 5 had lambs with the 1st one on december 17th 2022.... why in the coldest times ,,, but all is well so far...

the snow drifts are about 5 feet tall and buried the north fence so I had to make a smaller fence up by the barn to keep the sheep from eventually walking over the north fence line... 10 dollar used hog panels are a god send in snow emergencies...😎














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11-in-1 Multi-Bit Screwdriver/Nut Driver, Impact-Rated

Store SKU #1008498515

it was actually a 11-in-one Klein impact rated screwdriver I ordered.....supposed to arrive 1/9/2023....if I can get the driveway scooped out.....and the snow does get too deep with the predicted winds 🤔

stuck in about 17 inch deep snow yesterday and still snowing and the 5th hair sheep had twins yesterday in the snow...

school cancelled for today last night about 7pm announcement.

 I could hear the big loaders running all day and see snow plows on the highways but I doubt they could keep up with the heavy snow fall...

cheers all!

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Klein insulated lineman type pliers with a spring to open up I bought at some garage sale for a buck...

they have a partial loop on one handle and blue insulation. they are in good shape.

This Klein tool kind of saved me yesterday January 21st 2023 as I was hooking up a redundant 2P8S LiFePO4 Lischen 544ah battery to my Riden 6018 to recharge a low 2P8S battery....the snow is about 24 inches deep and even though the  solar PV panels are mounted at a 45 degree angle the last 12 inch snowfall stuck like glue...had to shovel snow off them but the livestock care comes 1st...

the fences on the north have 5-6 feet deep snow so smaller emergency fences made...

good thing they like the alfalfa hay in 3x4x8 foot 1200 pound bales and come rapidly for more hay!!! 🤔👍👍

found out I broke the camera lens on the back of the android cell phone so I will have to replace it soon....another one bites the dust....can not carry it when working ... i keep breaking them....

the LiFePO4 battery was down to 19 percent SOC and the PowerJack 8000 watt LF PSW SP inverter shut down ..... and was doing the squealing routine.... i got it charged up to 30 percent by dark then shut off the Riden 6018 >>>> so I did not to waste too much solar battery capacity in the night >>>> hopefully more sun today🤔🤔😎

3 other LF PSW inverters were still running so I have redundant systems but snow was a bit overwhelming.....hope it melts soon!!!!









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