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heat sensore or thermistor on mosfets

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I damage the thermistor removeing the mosfets board on my 8000 watt powerjack 24 volt with 10.3 main board. what type do to replace it with?

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Posted by: @cecil
I damage the thermistor removeing the mosfets board on my 8000 watt powerjack 24 volt with 10.3 main board. what type do to replace it with?

15K 3950 thermistor.  Not the super easiest to find, but that's the spec.

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Thank you Sid your the only support they have. Hard to get any info from powerjack .com

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Hi all.

I have a simmilar issue, i have the 5000w Lf unit.

Today it started to shutdown, red light and alarm sound came on.

I opened the unit and done some testing, the fan is working as i tested this, but by some reason it doesnt kick in by itself.

So far i have temporaly wired the fan straight to the battery bank so it keeps my fridge running.

I suspect that either one of the 2 thermistors is dead.

Is this the same spec as the 8000w?

Any ideas highly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance


This post was modified 1 year ago by david.martins

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Theres 2 thermal sensors for what i can see, one next to the mosfets into the aluminium heatsink and the other into the copper coil itself.

I suspect that the broken one should be the one next to the mosfets.

Could the one in the coil also cause the shutdown?



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Sorry for the delay in responding @david-martins ...this is a "under-development" website soon to be taken live--but I'm not actively keeping track of what's going on!

So the two thermistors going to the control board are what caused the inverter to shut down with the red light and error--that's how the CPU knew it was getting too hot.

The fans are actually controlled by a terribly under-rated Klixon-style thermal switch.  (The CPU does not have control over the fans.)  If you follow the fan wires, they likely will go to this device (which looks a lot like a TO-220 device), and that'd be the fault.  The fan bypass switch simply shorts this thermal switch out; if the fan bypass switch doesn't work, then there's probably a power connection issue to the fans.

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Many thanks for the reply.

Meanwhile i have bought a new inverter.

However i still want to try and figure this one out and save it.

So if im not mistaken this t0-220 look alike its basically a mosfet.. in this case i believe its the same as the actual power mosfets.

I have noticed a weird pattern here, this will work for random periods of time and shut off. If if turn it off and on will work for awhile and wham..... shut down with the red light on. Sometimes will run ok for a whole afternoon and then wham.... off then when you restart it sometimes will start with the red light on other times no red red light..... really weird and hard to figure out

I will look into this mosfet thingy, will order from aliexpress and see it fixes it, meanwhile new thermisters arrived so ill throw those in too.

Attached a picture just to make sure, dont mind the fact that my alarm is gone, that one just dropped like a ripe apple for no reason lol.

Thanks again for replying much appreciated

20230724 182607


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Interesting found this site too, hoping things more recent get migrated over, been watching both url's 

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@aquaticslive Well, here we go...

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@aquaticslive Well, it's live now!

We will be missing approximately one month's worth of posts until Invision decides to cough it up.  They're purposely making it difficult for us...

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Posted by: @david-martins

So if im not mistaken this t0-220 look alike its basically a mosfet.. in this case i believe its the same as the actual power mosfets.

Ah, so the inverter is one of the slightly newer ones with singular fan control on the board.

Yes, it is a MOSFET.  Can't quite read it (assuming NCE40H21)...but this does mean that the CPU does have control over at least one fan.  And if the CPU alarms don't work, fan control won't either.


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Hi Sid

this model has only 1 fan, and oh my loud, like seriously loud its like you are inside a jet about to take off.

Interesting point about the alarm, do these have any specifications like a name or a serial or they are quite generic? Found some look alikes on aliexpress but not 100% sure

As this was was the first failure point i noticed to start with, the alarm just fell off.....but never thought in this case that would affect the circuit, as i had removed them in other inverters and they always worked no problem. In this case this one somehow just gave up, Very interesting!



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Posted by: @david-martins

As this was was the first failure point i noticed to start with, the alarm just fell off.....but never thought in this case that would affect the circuit, as i had removed them in other inverters and they always worked no problem. In this case this one somehow just gave up, Very interesting!

It won't affect the circuit, as it's just driven by an output from the processor, without any analog circuitry involved.  Yes, the ones you linked can be used as replacements; the ones PJ used tend to be self-oscillating, but they're driven with a frequency by the CPU anyway--so the ones you linked will work fine.  5v levels.
